By paulgillin | October 2, 2007 - 7:24 am - Posted in Fake News

Some innovative thinking on the future of newspapers comes from The Dilbert Blog, of all places. Dilbert proposes that newspapers will last as long as two cell phone upgrades (I think he’s pessimistic) and that the cell phone will eventually evolve to replace the newspaper. Phones could even be equipped with e-paper scrolls that simulate the experience of reading a paper (don’t laugh).

Dilbert also proposes that newspapers adopt a hybrid editorial model that combines the best of with the judgment of human editors and customization features that screen out news we don’t want. What starts as a tongue-in-cheek epitaph on newspapers actually turns into an essay with some pretty creative ideas. The more than 100 comments indicate that it stirred up some other people’s thinking, too.

Thanks to Cris Cohen for the link.



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