Here’s the problem with journalism – Steve Outing, Jan. 10, 2007
[Steve Outing notes new research showing that about 1/4 of reporters have blogs and about half lurk on blogs, reading them but rarely commenting. He’s shocked that the numbers are so low, though he acknowledges that some people might call this progress. I’m with Outing. What really surprised me was the lurking figure. It’s hard to believe that half of all journalists don’t use a ready-made news source like blogs to cover their beats.
What are they doing, monitoring the police band? -Ed.]
The downside of newspaper reader blogs – A shel of my former self, Jan. 9, 2008
[Social media guru Shel Holtz tells of a renegade blogger who used language of questionable taste on her LA Times blog and asks whether newspapers should edit the very community journalists they now invite into their space. -Ed.]
[Imaginingg a newspaper’s call to the suicide hotline. The author is a veteran journalist who took a buyout from the Cleveland Plain Dealer and appears to be rather cynical about the whole industry. -Ed.]
The ultimate insult is to make The Simpsons
Gawker has a clip of Nelson dissing a newspaper journalist.
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