By paulgillin | August 8, 2008 - 7:53 am - Posted in Fake News, Google, Hyper-local

Nine summers ago, I left a job running a 75-person newsroom to become the sixth employee at an Internet startup. That was the thing to do in the late 90s, when stock options were plentiful and the Internet promised boundless reward. By 2002, that had all changed, and many dot-com entrepreneurs were slinking back to their old employers, asking if they could have their jobs back.

That didn’t happen to me, though. The media startup I joined, TechTarget, actually grew through the technology nuclear winter. It went public last year (although the stock has recently been sucked down by the media stock malaise) and now employs about 600 people.

One thing we did early on that challenged conventional wisdom was to tear down walls between advertising and editorial. At previous employers, it was accepted that sales people and editors not only never talked, they were often openly hostile toward each other. My new organization didn’t have cultural barriers like that, so we experimented with a more collegial process.

Ad sales and editorial people sat together in biweekly meetings to discuss story budgets and the sales climate. Things got pretty testy sometimes, but the debate was open and honest. Instead of calling people names behind their backs, each side shared stories about its successes and challenges. Over time, the relationships grew to be, if not chummy, at least respectful.

Once people respected each other, they began to work collaboratively. Management urged along the process by putting in place a bonus plan that rewarded everyone for a business unit’s financial success. Sales reps and editors openly batted around ideas for products that would have both advertiser and reader appeal. They came up with a lot of innovations. It turned out that collaborating didn’t mean infringing. Boundaries were still respected, but conversation wasn’t prohibited. Imagine that.

It was my job as chief editor to insure that the quality and integrity of the editorial product weren’t compromised. In five years in that role, I never once felt that my principles were violated. If ever there was a challenge, I appealed to the CEO, who always came down on the side of editorial quality.

Incidentally, a handful of people switched groups over these five years, including a few editors who realized their true calling was in sales.

This experience came to mind today reading Chris O’Brien’s Five Steps to Foster Innovation in the Newsroom. Among them: “Find new ways to get people from different areas to work together. This includes editorial and business side (Sorry, but it’s long past time to kill this sacred cow).”

Amen to that. Stick a fork in that well-done bovine. Building moats between the revenue side and the product side was excusable when profits were healthy, but now is the time to discard assumptions. Ad sales people aren’t contagious and talking with them won’t make you compromise your principles. If it does, then you have bigger problems.

Traditionalists are still resistant. Over at the San Francisco Chronicle, whose future is probably less secure than any major metro daily’s, “real journalists” are appalled about the decision to give former mayor Willie Brown a column because of Brown’s history of alleged self-dealing. People who aren’t disgusted by Brown’s column “are people who don’t put journalism first,” says one insider.

Puh-leeze. Giving a popular ex-mayor a column sounds like a pretty interesting way to spur circulation. And if the purists have a problem with that, have it out in public. Let the Chron columnists and bloggers debate the issue in front of everyone instead of grousing in the men’s room. Too many editors continue to use the shield of journalistic integrity to duck new ideas and then complain to each other instead of airing their opinions in public.

Newspapers need strong chief editors who support collaboration. They also need publishers who will rally to the side of quality journalism when a dispute occurs. Reporters and editors need to get over the old biases that never made much sense to begin with. I can’t think of another industry in which the people who sell the product are at such odds with the people who make the product. If you can make a persuasive case for maintaining this rigid separation, please contribute to the comments section. I just don’t see it.

The Futility of Corporate Secrecy

There’s an interesting discussion going on over at the Gannett Blog. On Wednesday, Editor Jim Hopkins picked up on an item in one of the Gannett titles that said corporate finance and accounting operations were being consolidated and moved to Indianapolis. He suggested that recent cutbacks at other Gannett holdings point to layoffs of as many as 2,300 people, or about 5% of Gannett’s workforce.

Blogs are a petrie dish for speculation, so when Hopkins asked reader for input, they responded. Gannett folk from Asheville, Detroit, Louisville and elsewhere are jumping in with their local version of layoff rumors. It sounds like something’s coming, and it isn’t good. Absent from the discussion is Gannett, which certainly should be aware of this popular site. If the rumors are false, why isn’t someone from corporate stepping in and correcting them? Perhaps it’s because the rumors are true. Absent Gannett’s voice, people will tend to believe that silence is confirmation.

Go East, Young Journo

Media markets in India are booming, thanks to the surging economy and the growing middle class, and some discouraged US journalists are picking up and moving east. New dailies and magazines are popping up every week and they’re hiring. Some TV stations are paying ex-print reporters up to $180,000 to go on-air, and that kind of money goes a long way in India. Five recent graduates of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism recently joined the Hindustan Times and say the experience has been great and the opportunity is greater. One expat says he turns down two or three assignments a month. “I’d like to see more freelancers move to India. There are too many stories to cover and just not enough time to get to them all.’


San Diegans may have reason for cautious optimism. The owner of a local TV station says he may make a bid for the distressed Union-Tribune. Michael D. McKinnon was a print publisher back in the 50s and 60s and he doesn’t want to see a local institution in the hands of an outsider.

Just because it’s user-generated, doesn’t mean it’s profitable. In May, we told you about Everywhere and JPG, two new magazines from 8020 Media that break the mold by deriving most of their content from readers. Well, it turns out that Everywhere wasn’t everywhere with advertisers, so 8020 has shuttered it after only four issues in order to focus on JPG. Management prefers to use the term “on hold” and said it’s still committed to the model. Interesting side note: only two editors lost their jobs.

While owner Blethen Maine Newspapers continues to seek a buyer, the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram bleeds. An unspecified number of people have been laid off in the fourth round of cuts in a year. The publisher is also adjusting trim size and consolidating some sections to save money on paper. Employee solidarity helped mitigate the pain; workers volunteered to take time off so that jobs wouldn’t be eliminated.

Management at the Los Angeles Daily News apparently thought that one way to boost sagging morale would be to implement a dress code. Employees didn’t agree. The idea has been scotched.

The McPherson (Kan.) Sentinel becomes the latest daily to eliminate its Monday edition. It will publish five days a week. Mondays are notoriously poor for ad sales.

James Cogan says it’s a great time to get into the newspaper business because chaos is a good time for innovation. We wish there were more people with his positive attitude.

Charles Apple has a practical, whimsical and uplifting essay on advice for the recently laid-off. Our favorite: “Your editor didn’t want to lay you off. Seriously. Make him/her a reference. Even if you have to apologize for throwing that potted plant during your HR interview.”

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By paulgillin | August 6, 2008 - 9:06 am - Posted in Facebook, Paywalls

Demonstrating the power of diversification, News Corp. bucked industry trends and posted a profit of $5.8 billion for the fiscal year just ended, buoyed by a string of box office hits, robust online growth and a strong Australian economy. However, CEO Rupert Murdoch warned of tough times ahead in the US market and said News Corp. will step up investments overseas to compensate.

Robust retail and real estate advertising at the company’s Australian, Daily Telegraph and Herald Sun newspapers in Australia helped burnish profits, which were up by 21%. While US and UK performance was weak, The Wall Street Journal grew online subscriptions by 88%, results that stand in stark contrast to the prevailing wisdom in the US that newspaper publishers should give away all their content for free. also had a pretty good year, Murdoch said, without elaborating.

News Corp. is looking to India and China to fuel growth as western economies stumble. India’s GNP is expected to grow 7% in the next year, Murdoch said, and the company is responding by investing $109 million) in six new television channels there.

News Corp. has invested wisely in its online and broadcast diversification strategy over the last decade and the investments appear to be paying off. With the US newspaper industry flat on its back, News Corp. has managed to find growth in areas that US publishers largely shunned in better days. As a result, the company expects operating profits to grow another 4% to 6% in the coming year.

Despite the rosy results, Wall Street continues to debate the wisdom of the Murdoch strategy. A detailed piece in Variety questions whether the mogul overpaid for the Journal last year and whether weakness in US newspaper stocks could tempt Murdoch to go on an ill-advised buying spree. The piece lists a number of investments Murdoch has made in the Journal and in the Dow Jones wire services that he acquired and notes that News Corp. is the only publisher that has appeared to be impervious to the layoffs and downsizing that are afflicting the competition.

Good news, right? Not exactly. News Corp. shares are off 40% this year and some analysts cluck that Murdoch has failed to outline a compelling vision for integrating the Dow Jones properties with his other holdings. Murdoch remains optimistic, but cautious. “This is destined to be an extra-inning game, and to use an overly used metaphor, we’re only in the first inning,” he said recently.

Tuesday brought a welcome respite from the pummeling newspaper stocks have taken recently. Buoyed by a 332-point rally in the Dow, most domestic newspaper companies enjoyed share price increases of between 3% and 10%, with Media General leading the way.

Ombudsmen Becoming History

When I was a ninth-grade student in 1972, my English teacher presented us with “ombudsman” on a Word Power quiz. I scanned every dictionary I could get my hands on, but couldn’t come up with a definition of the term.

Ombudsmen, however, were destined to become fixtures at newspapers over the next few years. These reader representatives were all the rage in the 1970s and 80s. The idea was to take an aging reporter and make him or her a sort of armchair quarterback for the editors, fielding complaints from readers and rendering judgments that carried no particular weight but hopefully made the quality of journalism better.

Now it appears that ombudsmen role may be destined for the scrap heap. Karen Hunter, the Hartford Courant‘s reader representative, pens her farewell column as her job is eliminated in the current round of layoffs.

“Of the nearly 1,500 newspapers in the United States, only a few dozen have ombudsmen and the number is decreasing,” Hunter writes. “Over the past year, reader representatives/public editors/reader advocates/ombudsmen have been reassigned, retired or bought out at the Baltimore Sun, the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the Orlando Sentinel, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and the Palm Beach Post. She points readers to the Organization of News Ombudsmen, which carries on the fight.

Pam Platt, reader representative at the Louisville Courier-Journal, also writes an obit for the position this week. The Courier-Journal was the first US paper to employ an ombudsman 40 years ago, she says, but the job doesn’t make sense any more in the current economic climate. Platt will write editorials and columns instead.

Layoff Log


Los Angeles Times veteran William Lobdell left the paper after 18 years last week. He posts a bitter 42-point analysis of the mistakes the paper made, particularly on the business side. Lobdell says Sam Zell isn’t the villain, but the Tribune CEO did accelerate the company’s s fall. He doesn’t mince words in his criticism of Tribune Chief Innovation Officer Lee Abrams, whom Lobdell clearly considers to be a dunce. He also refers to “good sources” who say another 150-200 layoffs are coming. Lobdell doesn’t see much hope for the Times barring a Herculean effort by the editorial and business operations to reinvent the paper. He’s happy he’s not sticking around for that. Lots of comments on this entry.

The Newspaper Association of America Newspaper says newspaper websites attracted more than 40% of all unique visits on the Internet in the second quarter of 2008, a 12.2 percent increase over the same period a year ago. The custom analysis prepared by Nielsen Online also says total page views averaged three billion per month in the period. Considering that Google alone reportedly processes more than 25 billion queries a month, the 40% figure seems questionable.

The Audit Bureau of Control (ABC) made a bunch of changes to its procedures in an effort to “simplify ABC rules, reduce audit costs and provide greater pricing and marketing flexibility to publishers,” the organization said in a press release. Publishers have been clamoring for ways to boost their numbers in a period of declining circulation and the ABC adjustments appear to give them a bit more latitude to do so.

And Finally…

Sudoku shirtThere’s no question that the 81 squares that make up a Sudoku grid have been one of newspapers’ greatest friends over the last decade. Many people buy their daily newspaper just to get their fix. True achievers will have a chance to compete for fame and fortune at the 2008 Philadelphia Inquirer Sudoku National Championship on October 25 in the City of Brotherly Love. The Inquirer has even launched a line of apparel honoring the pencil game, but is doing what it can to prevent sales. The Sudoku apparel web page invites visitors to click on the image of a shirt to make a purchase, but none of the images are clickable, meaning that there is effectively no way to make a purchase. Click the image at left to see how it’s done.

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By paulgillin | August 4, 2008 - 7:29 am - Posted in Facebook, Solutions

Washington Post Co. dipped into the red for the first time in its 37-year history, reporting an operating loss of $2.7 million in the second quarter.  A big factor was the cost of an $87 million buyout program intended to reduce headcount, but the newspaper division lost money on operations for only the second time in the company’s history. The $5.3 million operating loss came on a 22% dive in print  advertising revenue. Online advertising was up an anemic 4%. Fortunately for the Post, it owns the Kaplan education company and some cable and Internet franchises. Unfortunately, it also owns Newsweek, which had an operating loss of $3.7 million for the quarter.

Troubles in Hyper-Local Land

Local Ad Share - Borrell Associates

Some people say the savior of the newspaper industry is to go hyper-local, but remember to tell that to the ad sales people, who could make a lot less money. The Wall Street Journal reports on the sliding market share of newspapers in their own local ad markets, where one researcher says they now control only 27.4% of the business, down from nearly 36% two years ago. The reasons? Ad commissions for online sales are much lower than those of print sales, meaning that ad reps have less incentive to sell digital ads. Also, newspapers are mostly limited to selling poorly performing banner ads to local business, while pay-per-click programs like Google’s are cheaper and more cost-effective. Newspapers need to come up with more innovative sales programs and retrain their sales forces to live on lower margins than they’ve been accustomed to, and that’s not easy.

“Internet companies like Google and, which collectively control 53.3% of the local online ad market, up from 25% in 2006. And they’ve done that with only 1,400 ad-sales reps,” says the Journal. That’s one reason that E.W. Scripps, A.H. Belo and Lee Enterprises all reported declines in online ad revenue in the most recent quarter. (WSJ chart)

Maine Chain Finds a Buyer

Looks like Seattle’s Blethen family is finally going to rid itself of  a troublesome chain of newspapers all the way across the country in Maine. A group of four investors with local ties has secured exclusive rights to negotiate terms to buy the papers, which includes  the Portland Press Herald/Maine Sunday Telegram,  the Kennebec Journal in Augusta and the Waterville Morning Sentinel,  as well as some weekly publications. A spokesman for the group said the investors are all savvy businesspeople who are committed to the newspaper business and who see the purchase as an opportunity to grow the properties. Richard L. Connor is the most likely candidate to head the operational turnaround. He’s had success in his most recent role as  editor and publisher of the Wilkes-Barre (Pa.) Times Leader, where circulation has actually grown since he took over in 2006. A spokesman for the investors said the group is going to ask for concessions from the Newspaper Guild. A Guild spokesman said the union is happy to work with someone who has a plan.


The Hartford Courant has been pretty quiet about covering its own layoff of  57 newsroom employees,  and TV newsman and blogger Rick Hancock says he’s heard that reporters have been told to spike such stories. He quotes the paper’s reader representative confirming that at least one story about the matter was killed, although she didn’t know why. The Courant has cut its newsroom staff by 55% since 1994.

Ted Rall has radical prescriptions for the industry. Go offline, copyright everything and stop feeding the wire services.  Newspapers’ troubles began when they started to give away their products for free to online distributors, says the noted cartoonist and liberal columnist. So it’s time to shut down and declare ownership of intellectual property. Newsosaur Alan Mutter may agree. His analysis of Associated Press content shows that only a small percentage is contributed by AP reporters, about a third, by his estimation. “If newspaper staffs continue to erode, where will the AP and its clients get the news in the future?” he asks.  Rall might also find an ally in Goodloe Sutton, publisher of the Linden Democrat-Reporter in western Alabama. He’s just raised the price of a daily issue from 75 cents to one dollar and it hasn’t made a whit of difference. Maybe people are willing to pay for news they can’t get anywhere else.

Slate’s always provocative media critic Jack Shafer probes at an underlying reason for newspaper troubles: they’ve lost their role as social currency. Shafer remembers the days when conversations typically started, “Did you read the story in the paper today about…?” and observes that those discussion-starters have been replaced by comments on Facebook and Twitter. The loss of that central role as the source of current information deprived newspapers of their “must read” status, he says, and that made them less crucial to the everyday needs of local communities.

Yahoo! has driven more than 100 million page views to its 779 member newspaper  sites with a traffic-generating power that one publisher described as a “fire hose”. The Deputy ME of the Dallas Morning News says, “We’ve had placements that have accounted for up to 27% of the day’s page views, and 65% of the day’s unique visitors.”E&P quotes liberally from the Yahoo press release in its  coverage, which omits important details like how the traffic patterns break  down between member newspapers and how traffic has grown since the project’s inception. But it  was a Friday afternoon…

Playboy publisher Christie Hefner blogs about the newspaper industry’s troubles and suggests that papers should market their products better and unify print and online sales, as her publication has done. Perhaps they should also adopt the Page 3 Girl idea that’s worked so well for the U.K.’s Sun.

Shares of Journal Register Co. fell to a penny in over-the-counter trading on Friday. That values JRC, which traded at $20 a share less than three years ago, at just $590,000.

Layoff Log

  • The Newark Star-Ledger is looking to cut 200 jobs, or about 15% of its 1,400-person payroll, through buyouts, according to publisher Advance Publications. If it doesn’t hit that goal, the paper will go up for sale. Editor & Publisher’s Joe Strupp says the paper’s troubles symbolize how bad things have gotten in the industry. The Star-Ledger dominated New Jersey life, he says, and the paper was so fat and happy that it didn’t even see the need to invest in its online properties until recently. Strupp quotes one reporter as saying that news of the extent of the Star-Ledger‘s problems come as “a punch in the gut.” Advance is also seeking to wrest concessions from the union that represents about 750 employees.
  • Times are tough in Idaho. The Press-Tribune of Nampa will  lay off 16 employees, or about 10% of its staff, and leave an unspecified number of vacant positions unfilled. The move comes a month after the Boise Stateman laid off 16 people and cut another 22 pressroom positions by combining printing operations.  Lee Enterprises will combine five Idaho daily and weekly papers into one daily – the Times-News – and lay off 14 people, or about 12% of the total staff. The move sounds sensible, given that two of the weeklies had circulations of less than 600.
  • Another Lee property, the Munster (Ind.) Times, has laid off 12 employees  and cut an unspecified number of additional positions through attrition. The story in the Gary Post-Tribune didn’t say how many people the Times employs.
  • The Bozeman (Mt.) Daily Chronicle will lay off six full-time and three part-time employees and hold nine vacant positions open.  Five of the affected positions are in the newsroom.
  • The Des Moines Register may also announce some job cuts soon, internal sources told  the Iowa Independent.  Specifics were hard to come by, however. Management raised the possibility as part of a standard staff meeting and didn’t elaborate. The paper, which dominates the Iowa market, has about 200 editorial staffers.

By paulgillin | July 31, 2008 - 10:45 am - Posted in Facebook, Fake News

Now it’s A.H. Belo’s turn. The Dallas-based publisher plans to cut $50 million in expenses over the next eight months by cutting staff at the Providence Journal, the Dallas Morning News and the Riverside, Calif., Press Enterprise. Belo said its hopes to reduce its workforce by about 500 people, or 14%, through voluntary severance packages, although layoffs are a possibility. Unlike some publishers, it’s targeting the cuts by property. The ProJo, for example, will offer buyouts to about a third of 700-person workforce but won’t accept more than 54 takers. Belo is also looking at selling some real estate it owns in downtown Providence and Dallas to boost the bottom line. Like many publishers, its dividend costs have skyrocketed and the company acknowledged that it may have to cut current $1/year dividend, which amounts to nearly 17% of the stock price.

The Morning News will lose about 10% of its 390 full-time newsroom staffers. It will also reduce frequency of Quick, a free newspaper for young adults, from five times a week to weekly. It’s continuing with plans to launch Briefing, a new free title for nonsubscribers who want a “quick-read” newspaper.

Belo has suffered more than most newspaper publishers in the last year. While its peers are mostly still profitable, Belo suffered a $3.2 million loss in the most recent quarter. As we’ve noted recently, losses can lead to a dangerous death spiral in which cuts lead to subscriber and advertiser flight, which leads to more layoffs.

The layoffs at the Providence Journal are particularly disheartening. The paper is under constant pressure from its neighbor Boston Globe to the north, but is generally acknowledged to have done an oustanding job of localizing its coverage and retaining reader loyaty. While the ProJo is getting off easy compared to the hits that many other papers around the country have seen, it’s clearly not impervious to industry trends.

BusinessWeek Gives ‘Em Zell

BusinessWeek visits Sam Zell in his plush Chicago office and comes to the conclusion that Zell’s $8.5 billion purchase of Tribune Co. is “one of the most disastrous the media world has ever seen.” Zell doesn’t mince words in the interview: “If current trends in advertising are permanent, we have a really serious problem.”

This profile is the best we’ve seen in the months since Tribune’s fortunes began to deteriorate. It notes Zell’s open disdain for the newspaper business as well as his distaste for baseball, which is a paradox since Zell owns one of the most storied franchises in the game. The piece also outlines clearly the financial sleight-of-hand that enabled Zell to acquire Tribune with just $315 million of his personal fortune. “When we first undertook this project, we viewed Tribune as 60 ways to get lucky,” he says. Zell doesn’t have to grow the business in order to reap a huge profit, the piece says. He just has to keep it afloat.

Which is a challenge in itself. The story quotes analysts as predicting that Tribune could default on its debt obligations as soon as December. Zell has put a number of innovative new practices into place, including consolidating some newspaper and broadcast operations in Florida and Chicago. However, the free-fall in newspaper advertising may just be too great. Meanwhile, Zell’s trash-talking about newspapers isn’t helping employee morale. “If you have a lemonade stand, you don’t try to sell the lemonade by saying it’s terrible,” says ex-LA Times reporter Myron Levin.

Things Get Stranger in Paradise

The State of Hawaii has stepped into the dispute between the Honolulu Advertiser and the 54 employees, many of them union members, the paper laid off earlier this month. The Newspaper Guild has problems with how the layoffs were handled, maintaining that seniority guidelines weren’t followed. Meanwhile, the union has printed up 100,000 cards that readers can send in to cancel their subscriptions in event of a strike. The thinking is that it’s better to take down the Advertiser and cause a whole lot more people to lose their jobs than to have 54 employees treated unfairly.

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By paulgillin | July 28, 2008 - 9:35 am - Posted in Facebook, Fake News, Hyper-local

The newspaper industry needs to make radical changes, but neither the management nor the culture in a typical newsroom is conducive to much change at all, according to an organizational behavior specialist.

Mark Glaser interviews Vickey Williams, director of the Digital Workforce Initiative in the Media Management Center at Northwestern University and author of All Eyes Forward, a report about the challenges in changing newsroom culture.

Bottom line: Williams believes most newsrooms are still forcing young journalists into the mold that existed 20 years ago: a top-down structure in which decisions are made at the top and underlings are expected to execute them without question. Characterizing many newsrooms as “aggressive-defensive workplaces,” she finds structural impediments to the adoption of digital tools, suspicion of online media and organizational resistance to any ideas that don’t come from the top.

What’s most troubling about this behavior is that it’s sending young journalists for the doors, Williams says. They don’t believe their ideas are getting a fair hearing and they don’t want to work for organizations that are so insular.

Glaser has a transcipt of his interview with Williams. A few quotes:

  • “Resistance [to change] is going down. I am not at all convinced that we know how to replace that with something constructive. So in short, we don’t fight it as hard and as loudly” the fact that we have to change” but we don’t know what to do instead.”
  • “Journalists need to get more business savvy” and they will get more business savvy one way or the other. If they become a victim of the cutbacks, then they will be looking at making their own living and be worried about income and attracting advertisers to their website. So getting more business savvy is only a plus.”
  • “We asked people what they thought about the data [showing that young people wanted to leave], and the veterans even wanted to argue down that the data was correct. And if it was correct and young people were leaving, it was because they were wimps, and good riddance.”
  • On creating a change-oriented culture: “For years, we have been an industry with our panels and task forces and we’ve generated lots of reports that have gathered dust on the corners of bosses’ desks, and people don’t have the energy for that anymore.”
  • “I agree with Jeff Jarvis that it would be a very good gamble to allow Millennials to start up companies or products. But I can’t think of a single media company where that would be allowed to happen on a broad scale.”

Williams’ conclusions are sobering. There’s a lot of talk about change and what newspapers need to do to save themselves these days .There are many great ideas for reinvention, although there is no avoiding a lot of pain in the process. Ideas are just one part of the picture, though. There needs to be a culture in place that’s willing to accept change. Newspapers don’t have a lot going for them in this area.

Newspapers have done business more or less the same way for about 150 years.Few industries on earth can say that. The newspaper business has been historically stable, profitable and predictable. It’s boring, but it makes a lot of money. In the 1970s and 80s, some titles enjoyed renewal rates of 90%. In addition, consolidation during the last 50 years has left most cities with only one or two newspapers. Monopolies and duopolies usually suck at innovation. When was the last time your electric company did something clever?

Williams is right that newsroom culture rewards obedience. After all, you need structure and process to produce a fresh product every 24 hours. The hierarchical organization of most newsrooms is appropriate for what they’ve been asked to do for many years. Now you’ve got a situation in which authority needs to be openly questioned. Do you suppose a 30-year veteran city editor is going to cozy up to that idea? Cultures don’t change until people change, and organizations that are run by old guys who have worked their way up through the ranks are the least change-oriented of all.

This is why it’s so hard to be optimistic about the future of newspapers. Ideas can’t flourish without a nurturing culture. Newspapers exist in a culture that is so change-averse that adding color to the front page is considered a breakthrough. When your value is defined by process rather than agility, it’s tough to suddenly be agile.

Maybe I’m being too cynical. Please share your views. Is there a way for this industry to reinvent itself without blowing itself up first?


  • Perhaps the savior will be cell phones. The New York Times reports that Verve wireless has signed up 4,000 papers and 140 publishers to deliver news via its wireless service. Research says 40 million people use their phones to go online, and Verve’s service can push news alerts, local stories and geotargeted advertising at those customers, most of whom are probably driving at the time. The CEO of Verve is a former Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter, by the way.
  • The Santa Fe New Mexican is cutting 16.5 jobs, or about 7% of its workforce. Ten of those lost jobs are in the newsroom. The biggest culprit is real estate advertising, which has all but disappeared.
  • E.W. Scripps may write down the value of its newspaper and local broadcast holdings in the third quarter, the CEO said on the company’s earnings call. Scripps carved out the troubled businesses into their own company earlier this year so they wouldn’t drag on the more lucrative TV and online businesses.
  • Speaking of Scripps, columnist Jay Ambrose scolds readers for not appreciating all the great things newspapers deliver. “Perhaps the Internet and innovative editors will come up with ways to preserve the distinguishing value of newspapers,” he writes. “It would help if more citizens understood this value themselves.” Good going, Jay. Blame those customers.

By paulgillin | July 24, 2008 - 2:23 pm - Posted in Facebook, Fake News, Solutions

The New York Times Co. shows signs of managing through the crisis, although its regional properties continue to drag down overall performance. The company’s earnings fell by almost 50% in the quarter just reported, but when you factor out the cost of layoffs and buyouts, profits were off only about 12%, from 29 to 26 cents per share. That beat analyst expectations. Circulation revenues were up as the company implemented a price increase at its flagship. The company’s regional holdings continue to drag on performance. Combined revenues at The New York Times and the International Herald Tribune were off 9.5%, which is better than recent industry averages. But the New England Media Group, which includes the Boston Globe, fell 15.1%. The Times continues to look like it can survive and even thrive in the post-metro-daily world because of the power of its brand. The Globe is a different matter, though.

And credit the Times for originality on this one. The paper has linked its web site with popular business networking destination Beginning this week, LinkedIn members who read an article in the business or technology section of will see a box pointing them to five stories selected for them on the basis of their LinkedIn profiles. There will also be ads, of course. This kind of profiling is a squishy area for Internet companies, which constantly walk the line between delivering value and treading on privacy. The advantage for the Times is that it’s trusted brand is less likely to incur outrage than some dot-com start

Zell on a Skewer

Brooklyn College professor Eric Alterman, who penned a best article so far this year about the newspaper industry’s travails, brings his sardonic wit to a short piece in the ultra-liberal political journal The Nation, which we somehow managed to overlook until today. Summing up the desperate cuts, price increases and rationalizations that we and others have been documenting for months, Alterman ultimately turns his canons on everybody’s favorite whipping post: Tribune Co. CEO Sam Zell.

Admittedly, making fun of Tribune’s “chief innovation officer,” Lee Abrams, is a little bit like beating up your grandmother. But Alterman can’t resist. Noting, among other things, that Abrams was surprised to learn that reports datelined “Baghdad” are actually written by reporters in Baghdad, he concludes, “The more one listens to the men and women at the top of the industry, the more it becomes obvious that the survival of the newspaper is going to have to come from somewhere else.” Unfortunately, Altman concludes that he has no great ideas for saving daily newspapers. He’s just quite certain that the people charged with doing it currently aren’t up to the task.


Tribune Co. executives are trying to reassure shell-shocked staffers that the worst may be over. In an interview on the company’s intranet on Tuesday, Zell and COO Randy Michaels said the company’s recent job cuts were intended to be swift and deep in order to avoid the “death by 1,000 cuts” scenario that is afflicting many of their competitors. Zell wouldn’t predict an end to the earnings free-fall, nor would he be held accountable for earlier promises that he wouldn’t cut his way to profitability. Michaels outlined some aggressive initiatives at member papers aimed at attracting new business.

Erica Smith, whose Paper Cuts Google Maps mashup vividly documents the industry’s slashing and burning, says Tribune Co.’s Florida properties have been keeping mum on recent job cuts. The Orlando Sentinel eliminated 16 jobs a week ago but didn’t fess up till Friday, she says. She also cites, as we did earlier this week, the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel‘s self-demeaning decision to hide news of its own layoffs because of the editor’s concern that the news will get “butchered in the media.”

A group of Chicago Tribune staffers has published a list of their 50 favorite consumer magazines. While predictable candidates like Rolling Stone and The New Yorker are there, the list has some unexpected delights, including Modern Drunkard and Firehouse, which is, believe it or not, for people who love to chase fire engines. If only these print-biased editors had thought to hyperlink some of the titles they recommend. Incredible.

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By paulgillin | July 23, 2008 - 9:50 am - Posted in Facebook, Paywalls, Solutions

The Minneapolis Star Tribune may be the first victim of default. Finance and Commerce says Avista Capital Partners, which acquired the paper last year, now wants out of the deal. The trouble is that no one wants to put up any money. Investors are paying only 53 cents on the dollar for a share of the current note, which is well below the Wall Street average of 90 cents. The ultimate buyer could be a distressed-debt hedge fund, which will move quickly to slash costs. It’s hard to believe that McClatchy paid $1.2 billion for the Star Trib in 1998. We’d estimate that investment is worth about $200 million now.

More coverage of the Pew Research study released this week: Marshall Kirkpatrick wonders if location-aware mobile devices like the iPhone 3G could be the nail in the coffin.  If the salvation of newspapers is local, then how do you compete against a device that delivers local news right where you’re standing? Kirpatrick says he’s an unabashed newspaper fan, but the dailies have got to figure out a way to stop killing trees in order to dump paper on his doorstep that then goes right into the recycling bin.

The Los Angeles Times is folding its book review section. The decision has drawn howls of protest from the book review editors themselves, who are encouraging their readers to howl with them. Book reviews are the most erudite features of major metro dailies and an important symbol of the intellectual value newspapers deliver. We guess that’s not a high priority to Tribune Co. management at the moment.

Evening Post Publishing Co., owner of the Charleston Post and Courier, is offering buyouts to all of the paper’s 513 employees, looking to shed staff without resorting to layoffs. Employees can get the standard two weeks for every year of service. The Post and Courier is the oldest paper in South Carolina and once employed more than 700 people. (via The Digitel).

 David Sullivan’s That’s the Press, Baby is always an engaging read, even when we don’t agree with him. He lets loose on some doomsayers this week with rapier wit. Sullivan’s blog is about newspapers, copy editing and department stores, three topics that frequently come up in the same sentence.

The Sacramento Bee‘s ombudsman asks us to keep it all in perspective. Despite the nuclear winter that hovers over the US newspaper industry, global trends are up. Did you know that Turks spend 74 minutes a day with their broadsheets? Or that circulation is up 481% in Ukraine over the last five years? These and other nuggets are available in this entertaining column.

By paulgillin | July 22, 2008 - 7:30 am - Posted in Facebook, Fake News, Hyper-local

As editors and bloggers have combed through the Changing Newsroom” study from the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism over the last couple of days, they’ve increasingly focused on the study’s findings that editors are, on the whole, positive about the future.

Newspaper editors optimistic despite downs” was UPI’s headline. Writing on Conde Nast, Jeff Bercovici focuses on all the good news in the study and observes that newspapers are “very sensibly shifting their resources away from areas where their efforts can easily be duplicated and into the sorts of coverage where they can best distinguish themselves from competitors in all media.”

How can crusty old news editors remain positive amid the drumbeat of dreadful news that’s afflicting the industry? We can only speculate, but that’s what blogs do.

For one thing, perhaps there aren’t as many crusty old news editors any more. Layoffs have washed out a lot of the old guard. Some of them now content themselves blogging about the good old days, although a few still run editorial departments. Mostly, though, the editors who are left are the fighters, and fighters tend to think positively.

There’s also a silver lining to any crisis: the opportunity to focus and rethink the business. In that spirit, the most remarkable section of the Pew study is the chapter about the future. Read it to see quotes from veteran editors who believe the downsizing has required them to become more resourceful, creative and open-minded. In the words of Miami Herald Managing Editor David Wilson, – Through all that- ™s happened over the last few years, the quality of our work is among the best I- ™ve seen- ”and I- ™ve been here 31 years.- 

The study also reports that editors are more involved than ever in trying to identify new revenue streams, even offering an investigative reporting project for sale on Amazon in one case. What’s more, editors don’t think this breach of the traditional ad/edit wall is such a terrible thing. Some are actually invigorated by the idea of becoming more involved in the success of the business.

“They are working hard, innovating, making changes,” says the report. “They may have fewer reporters and less space to work with, [but] they are certain that what they are producing today is better than what they produced a few years ago.”

We’ve noted before the importance of discarding assumptions. It’s hard to do, but it’s the essential first step toward envisioning the future. The inspiring message from the Pew research is that the editors who are working through the ritual destruction of their industry are discarding assumptions en masse and finding that there really are better ways to do their jobs.

Curmudgeons persist but, as Jeff Jarvis notes, they are being marginalized. Times of crisis are also times to rethink everything. That appears to be the bright spot in the industry right now.

Layoff Log

The Tribune Co.-owned Allentown Morning Call will cut 35 to 40 newsroom positions, according to a memo from the publisher posted on Tell Zell. The Morning Call did a small buyout in March, but this appears to be much more sweeping, amounting to more than a quarter of the news staff, according the blog.

Also in stealth mode is the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, a Tribune Co. property which is cutting its 290-person news staff by 20% but choosing not to report it. Commenting on the paper’s decision not to tell its customers about significant changes to the product they pay for, Editor Earl Maucker comments, ironically, “It serves nobody’s interest to put it out ahead of time. As I’ve found, it gets butchered in the media.”

There are bad times all over the Sunshine State. The Fort Myers News-Press is laying off 36 people, eliminating some unfilled positions and killing a weekly supplement targeted at Hispanic readers. We hope Publisher Carol Hudler is wrong in calling the region’s economic climate “the worst local economy since perhaps the crash of 1929.” In fact, the economy did pretty well in 1929. The worst years of the Great Depression were from 1933-1937.

The beleaguered staffs at Maine’s Portland Press-Herald and Sunday Maine Telegram are bracing for the fourth set of layoffs in 12 months. The problem is that owner Seattle Times Co. can’t find a buyer for its Maine Newspaper Death Watch – º Edit – ” WordPressholdings, so it keeps cutting and cutting in an effort to prop up the finances. This layoff will take out 10% of the remaining 85 news staffers. Crosscut Seattle has exhaustive background. There’s also a depressing blog devoted to this situation.

Laid-off newspaper employees and their colleagues are increasingly taking to the street to publicize their plight. Baltimore Sun employees staged a rally last week, complete with 100 empty chairs to symbolize lost jobs. Alan Mutter asks if this is really an appropriate response, or if the protests might actually backfire and cause subscriber flight. What do you think? Is all the publicity about the death of newspapers actually worsening the industry’s decline? Maybe they’re on to something at the Sun-Sentinel.

Tell Zell reprints some of the farewell memos that went out last Friday as laid-of LA Times staffers packed their bags. Journalists write some of their best stuff at times like these.

And Finally

Our WordPress template chokes when we try to embed video, so we’ll have to settle for a link. If you want to understand the macroeconomic and demographic shifts that are disrupting this and so many other industries, spend eight minutes watching this video. You will be riveted.

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By paulgillin | July 21, 2008 - 10:02 am - Posted in Facebook, Fake News, Paywalls, Solutions

It’s the dog days of summer, so even unsurprising research is good enough to draw lots of attention. This time the subject is a new Pew Research study that finds – “ surprise! – that newspapers are getting smaller, more local and more focused.

The New York Times chooses to focus on the obvious in its coverage. – “Almost two-thirds of American newspapers publish less foreign news than they did just three years ago, nearly as many print less national news, and despite new demands on newsrooms like blogs and video, most of them have smaller news staffs,” reads its lead.

We were actually more intrigued by Editor & Publisher‘s take, which zooms in on the paradox of staff cuts: – Editors by big numbers think their papers are actually improving their coverage, even as they lament that their staffs have lost their most veteran journalists in waves of buyouts and layoffs,-  reads the nut graph. E&P also pulls out other nuggets like the fact that copy editor positions are being cut more than any other and that editors feel conflicted about the move to the Web. Quoting from the research: “A plurality of editors (48%), for instance, say they are conflicted by the tradeoffs between the speed, depth and interactivity of the web and what those benefits are costing in terms of accuracy and journalistic standards.”

The study does highlight the angst that’s being caused by an epic platform shift and the departure of many veteran journalists. The good news is that more than half the editors say the quality of their product has improved over the last three years. The unsettling news: – Only 5% of those responding to the survey said they were very confident of their ability to predict what their newsrooms would look like five years from now.- 

Perhaps the gloom that pervades the industry is misplaced. Media Mark Research & Intelligence (MRI) reports that total readship is up in the top 100 markets. A survey commisioned by the Newspaper National Network (NNN) found a 2.1% increase in audience size to 80.6 million between spring 2007 and spring 2008. However, media outlets were somewhat ambiguous in their interpretation of the results. Editor & Publisher interprets the data as indicating that print readership is up
while MediaPost refers to unduplicated audience, which includes online readers. Both outlets cite newspapers’ recent clampdowns on free bonus circ as improving audience quality.If the research (which isn’t mentioned on either sponsor’s site, as far as we could tell) is about online audience, then the results aren’t that encouraging. Most newspapers have been reporting increases of 10% or more in online audience, which about mirrors the growth of the Internet overall. If the numbers refer to print readership, then they are indeed surprising, given that the Audit Bureau of Control has reported a steady downward trend in that area. Perhaps more details will emerge when the NNN actually says something about the research.

Layoff Log

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is spending $30 million on new printing presses and cutting its staff by 8%. The loss of 189 jobs includes 85 newsroom employees and 104 people in the advertising group. The paper is also discontinuing all its regional editions, including the Gwinnett County regional, where its main printing press is located. In an open letter, the publisher explains that the AJC drives 80,000 miles a day to deliver its product and that spiraling fuel costs have hit hard. The paper has also had to absorb a 35% increase in the cost of newsprint.

In light of all those factors, the decision to invest so heavily in new presses seems a bit bizarre. We’re sure there are good business reasons, but if all the growth is online, why invest in a print product that already has a near-monopoly position in its market? We suspect there are nearly 200 soon-to-be-ex-employees of the AJC who are asking the same thing right now.

More than 3,500 newspaper jobs have vanished this summer, according to Media Post. You’ve read about most of them here, but the media publisher’s roll-up demonstrates how widespread and entrenched the industry’s problems are.

An already tense labor-management standoff at the Honolulu Advertiser wasn’t helped by last week’s announcement that the paper must cut 54 positions, or about 10% of its workforce, for the same reasons everybody else is laying off. It took all of one day for the union to authorize a strike. Workers said they had no idea the layoffs were coming and that the Advertiser claims to be profitable.

Being profitable, of course, is not a guarantee against layoffs, especially when parent Gannett Corp. just announced a 36% drop in earnings. Advertiser management is actually pressing the issue by proposing that the union be abolished so that it can have the flexibility assign reporters to take photos, for example. The union says no. In an age when competitive websites leverage content contributed by local citizens for little or no money, it makes sense to send both a reporter and a photographer to cover a story at union scale. This is a business model that the Advertiser can ride comfortably into oblivion.

The Gleaner of Henderson, KY, will eliminate nine pressroom positions and four other unspecified jobs as it moves printing to the Evansville Courier & Press. The item didn’t say how many people work at the paper.


The owner of Pacific Coast Business Times, a weekly business journal in Southern California, says business is great. The closure of business sections in some big dailies has helped, says Henry Dubroff. Business weeklies have lower costs and just as much credibility as the dailies they’re challenging he says. If you read between the lines of this piece, though, you’ll also see that business weeklies are more attuned to playing nicely with the businesses they cover: – The culture of a business journal is more like a small business than a traditional newspaper,” Dubroff says. “Other departments are close at hand, not on another floor. A mix of high standards and cooperation are keys to success.-  Translation: business journals are more likely to write nicely about the companies they cover.

The editor and publisher of American Thinker, Thomas Lifson, writes somewhat mockingly about the decline of The New York Times under publisher Pinch Sulzberger. Repeatedly referring to the publisher by his preppy nickname, Lifson ticks off a list of questionable business judgments at the Old Gray Lady, including the decision to increase the dividend while the stock was tanking and the Ochs/Sulzberger family’s refusal to consider selling the operation. Noting Rupert Murdoch’s designs on the Times, Lifson references recent reports that Murdoch and Daily News publisher Mortimer Zuckerman are discussing ways to combine some operations in order to reduce costs. – With the financial muscle to cut prices and steal advertisers away from the Times national and metropolitan editions, Murdoch can force the Times to cut its own prices for the advertisers and readers who remain with it, further pressuring circulation revenue and readership,-  he says. In other words, a death spiral.

The Asheville, NC Citizen-Times has started making reporters punch a time clock. Actually, it’s a thumbprint reader, and you have to punch in and out even if you’re going down the block to the bank. With that kind of management penny-pinching, it’s unlikely that C-T reporters are going to be burning the midnight oil on a big story any time soon.

And Finally…

Conspiracy theory? Tell Zell reveals internal communications from Tribune Co.’s IT organization telling how computer systems are being centralized at the company, making it possible for a reporter at the Baltimore Sun, for example, to file a story directly to the LA Times. Previously, the systems couldn’t talk to each other. Does this mean it will soon be possible for the Tribune papers to pool resources and send, say, four reporters to witness the same Presidential press conference instead of eight? If so, then we take back the mean things we’ve been saying about Sam Zell. Maybe the guy really does have a vision.

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By paulgillin | July 16, 2008 - 11:27 am - Posted in Fake News

The scenarios are similar to those we’ve suggested before. At some point, newspaper companies become too cheap for investors to ignore and the vultures move in. The lucky companies will get picked up by buyers who have a vision and an interest in sustaining local journalism (help us, Rupert!). The unlucky ones will become the property of someone whose agenda is solely profit and asset value.

Most investors who would buy in under those circumstances are not Mudochs and Zells; they are speculators and gamblers. They’ll be looking for an opportunity to flip their holdings for a quick profit and they won’t particularly care how they reach their goal. In the worst case, Potts sees print editions being axed entirely and newspapers stripped down to delivery routes and printing presses for the sake of distributing advertising circulars. Impossible? Digital Equipment Corp. went from the second largest computer maker to a rounding error on H-P’s balance sheet in five years.

A more positive scenario is a new ownership that cuts costs deeply and tries to reinvent the organizations around the value of their brands. Neither option is very appealing to the employees of these organizations, however. Let’s hope there are still some publishing entrepreneurs out there who see newspapers has having more value than just the sum of their assets.

Stockholders of E.W. Scripps Co. can’t be too pleased today after Standard & Poors downgraded the company’s debt rating five full notches from “A” investment grade to “BB+” junk bond status. The good news is that Scripps Network Interactive, which was split off from the newspaper-heavy E.W. Scripps just two weeks ago, got an “overweight” rating from J.P. Morgan, which set a 12-month price target of $55, about 35% above the current share price.

Anonymous Sources Alive and Well

Slate’s Jack Shafer has an interesting approach to analyzing the continuing use of anonymous sources by major newspapers. He created a few Google Alerts to look for words like “anonymity” and then looked at the stories to see if the secrecy was warranted. In most cases, he finds that that the anonymous quotes are  either obvious, self-serving or contribute nothing to the story. Shafer ranks the value of the quote on a 0-5 scale and maps the whole thing out on a Google spreadsheet. The result is a good argument for better editorial oversight at the Times, the Post and other big dailies.

In most cases, Shafer finds that anonymity is unnecessary on the part of the reporter, the source or both. In some cases, the anonymity is baffling or silly, such as anonymous sources speculating about things that any rational person would speculate about. The columnist reasons that this is an example of reporters citing a source for the sake of showing people that they talked to someone. Of course, the quote and the source could be made up, so it doesn’t really matter.

There’s no overarching point to the exercise other than to demonstrate how generously these “anonymice” are still used in the most respected publications in the US just five years after the Jayson Blair scandal called attention to the problems of that practice . Shafer notes that the paper reporters love to hate – USA Today – prohibits anonymous sourcing.


  • The Bay Area Newspaper Group – East Bay, which has been the target of union organizing activity recently, laid off 29 people at the Contra Costa Times on Friday, saying the decision had nothing to do with union-organizing activites at paper. Laid-off employees disagree and plan to challenge the move.
  • David Paulin comments cynically on a recent American Journalism Review piece about journalism schools sending their students on overseas reporting assginments. He notes that at a time when news organizations are cutting back sharply on foreign correspondents, students eagerly spend thousands of dollars to go to remote and even dangerous places to file stories in the hope that they might possibly get picked up by a major newspaper without compensation. We guess it’s not exploitative when those being exploited volunteer for the opportunity.
  • We suppose we must reluctantly acknowledge one of the silliest publicity stunts in recent memory. That would be the Durham, NC reporter-turned-lawyer who is suing the Raleigh News & Observer for breaching his contract as a subscriber by laying off 70 people and cutting back on news pages. The lawyer says he’s not interested in the money and is trying to issue a wake-up call to the industry. The N&O‘s executive editor says the lawyer should pay the newspaper more for the great value he’s getting. We are amazed at the volume of coverage this dumb story has generated. And we suppose we are also now part of the problem.
  • The Death Watch apparently stirred things up at the LA Times pressroom, which has banned employee tours, apparently out of safety concerns. As one of the last civilians who snuck in before the new rules went into place, we want to thank Edward Padgett and tell his supervisor that we were never in any danger.


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